Qwik Tune QT-1 Auto Tuner Reviews 1

This was basically a freebie with my first guitar. It came as part of a pack-in deal with my Alvarez acoustic, along with some extra strings and guitar polish. I believe it retails for $15-$20 U.S.

Well, it has lights on it, so you can see if you're tuned in the dark. I guess that's a nice idea. And it has in and out jacks so that you can make it a standard part of your rig, which is equally nice, I guess.

See, the problem is, it doesn't work. If I tune up perfectly on my DOD VGS-50, then double check it with this, the LCD indicator will fly back and forth like a kid on a swingset. On those few instances where I can get it to give me an accurate reading on my E string, it'll then have me tune my A string to a G flat, I kid you not. It'll take a half hour, and I'll always wind up tuned E G flat D sharp E C A somehow... The tuner claims to be able to tune an acoustic (It was, after all, part of a pack in with an acoustic), but the puny excuse for a microphone rarely picks up your note, and *never* gets an accurate reading.

I guess it's built okay. Of course, if I dropped it, I figure it could only improve.

I was totally disappointed with this product. If it hadn't been a pack-in, I would have returned it. Perhaps mine's defective? If you have an effect pedal with a built-in tuner, use that. Otherwise, just tune by ear.

Alex Steven Dixon rated this unit 1 on 2001-07-15.

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